//SHIT DOESN'T WORK UNLESS YOU SAVE THE FILE IN UNICODE OR UTF-8 %txtCalm,JP //非戦闘待機時のセリフ 「誰だ?誰かが私を見ている」 「悔しいけど…」 %txtCalm,EN //Text that randomly appears when idle {npcc} gazes at you with piercing eyes. {npcc} brushes her wings. {npcc} fiddles with her bowstring. {npcc} flaps her wings absentmindedly. You hear a quiet voice in prayer, but with a note of sadness... You smell Myrrh in the air, but with the faintest hints of charcoal. You hear what sounds like wings of feather, but with grace and dignity somehow... %txtAggro,JP //交戦時のセリフ 「こいつ、動くよ」 「戦いが終わったらぐっすり眠れるっていう保証がある?」 「見える。動きが見える!」 %txtAggro,EN //Displays when encountering hostiles "Die, worm!" "You dare...!?" "Try me!" %txtDead,JP //死亡時のセリフ %txtDead,EN //Displays when defeated "So that's... how it is?" "My bow is... drawn..." "Looks like I was too slow..." %txtKilled,JP //敵殺害時のセリフ %txtKilled,EN //Displays when killing an enemy {npcc} giggles cruelly. {npcc} gives you a satisfied, evil smile. {npcc} looses another arrow into {nptc}'s corpse. "More, more! Bleed more!~" "Worthless." says {npcc}, grinning. "A death fit for a pig." {npcc} eyes {nptc} with contempt. "Boring!~" %txtWelcome,JP //帰宅出迎えのセリフ 「間違いない。やつだ、やつが来たんだ」 %txtWelcome,EN //Displays when player returns home with Ally as stayer "Oh? You decided to come back?" "I was beginning to miss you, {player}." "Hmm~ Those scars look wonderful." "You've been out for a while. Did you get a gift for your faithful companion?" "You're here, unharmed. How fortunate." {nptc} flies overhead, examining you. {nptc} acknowledges your presence coyly. {nptc} gives you an aloof greeting. "That maid of yours is trouble. And what's with her awful taste in names?" %txtDialog,JP //話しかけた時のセリフ %txtDialog,EN //Text that displays in chat box when you talk to ally ({nptc} stares into your eyes.) What? Eh? Well? What do you require? Yes? Come on, then. Something the matter? What is it? What is it, {player}? ({nptc} exhales in boredom.) ({nptc} tilts her head.) My mistress used to have me do odd tasks, some of them were... unsightly. Have you considered getting into some new clothes? You just seem to trudge ever forward in the same ones each day. I'm positively famished. If only there was someone out there who could save me~. Try to keep us out of any more unpleasantness, would you? ({nptc} pats down her attire.) ({nptc} twirls an arrow between her fingers.) Have we finished business here yet, {player}? You're quite talented in many things, it seems. {aka}...? Where have I heard that moniker before? I'm sure it's not important. Need my expertise, {player}? These wings are so unruly at times... ({nptc} is re-stringing her bow.) ({nptc} stares dreamily into your eyes.) ...Eh? Ah... oh! My apologies, I, I was lost in thought. Where do those pests congregate? I want to crush their nest and be done with it. Have need of your dearest companion? ({nptc} bats her eyelashes at you.) Eh? What do you want, {player}? You have need of me? ({nptc} gives you a mischievous smile.) ({nptc} re-ties her hair.) ({nptc} gives you a warm look.) ({nptc} leans in with an inquisitive look) Ah, I'm bored. Why don't we go do something fun? Will you spare me some money so I can go see the trainers? I promise I won't spend it on anything too expensive~. I imagined a world where we were apart. How boring, wouldn't you agree? My bow-finger itches. Would you be a dear and cook some dinner? Hmm~? %txtMaterial,JP //マテリアル受取時のセリフ %txtMaterial,EN //Text for when you receive materials from ally "Here, I picked this up, I have no use for it." "{player}, I have things for you~." {npcc} hands you a sack with various materials. "Here, I found these. Maybe you can use them?" "This has gotten heavy. Take these off my hands, would you?" %txtBfast,JP //朝食イベント発生時のセリフ %txtBfast,EN //Text when ally cooks for you when you wake up at dawn "Hmm~ Hmm~, open wide!" "I made breakfast. You should appreciate my generous heart." "I'm sure this will be to your liking." "It would be no good for me if you starved~" A warm, contented smile appears on {nptc}'s face as you eat. %txtNight,JP //添い寝イベント発生時のセリフ %txtNight,EN //Displays when Sleep Sharing happens Next to you, {nptc} breathes heavily, with wanting eyes. You wake up to {nptc}'s wings covering you, and a starry-eyed face. {player}... would you take me under your wing? %txtInsult,JP //罵倒技能時のセリフ・攻め寄りの状態で鞭で叩いた時のセリフ %txtInsult,EN //Text for when ally uses Insult action "You're no better than an immoral, guzzling bureaucrat!" "You will die alone!" "A pathetic, disgusting wretch like you isn't worth its skin!" "Your life isn't worth the garbage you only happen to produce!" "Empty in life and cowardly in death!" %txtInsult2,JP //鞭で叩いてもらうようにねだった時のセリフ %txtInsult2,EN //Text for when ally uses Insult action "You're no better than an immoral, guzzling bureaucrat!" "You will die alone!" "A pathetic, disgusting wretch like you isn't worth its skin!" "Your life isn't worth the garbage you only happen to produce!" "Empty in life and cowardly in death!" %txtDiscipline,JP //鞭でアイテム拾い禁止、拾い食い禁止した時のセリフ %txtDiscipline,EN //Text for when you use tools like the Tamer's Whip on ally "Aahn!" "Oh, mistress!" {npcc} lets out a pleasured cry. %txtDiscipline2,JP //叩き慣れした状態で鞭で叩いた時のセリフ 「親父にもぶたれたことないのに!」 %txtDiscipline2,EN //Text for when you use tools like the Tamer's Whip on ally "Aahn!" "Oh, mistress!" {npcc} lets out a pleasured cry. %txtDisciplineOff,JP //アイテム拾い禁止解除、拾い食い禁止解除時のセリフ %txtDisciplineOff,EN //Text for when you stop Tamer's whip effect "Mmnf!" "Aahn! Don't st- eh? {player}!? Don't look!" A misshapen smile appears on {npcc}'s face. %txtDisciplineEat,JP //拾い食い禁止状態で食事を与えた時のセリフ %txtDisciplineEat,EN //Text for when you give them food while under Tamer's whip effect "Oh, for me? How sweet." {nptc} Regards you with thanks as she takes the meal. "How delicious-looking." %txtMeal,JP //「一緒に食事する」時のセリフ %txtMeal,EN //Text when you share a meal with ally This is quite good... ({nptc} eats contentedly.) ({nptc} regards the food with poorly hidden hunger.) %txtCharge,JP //味方がチャージ技能を発動した時のセリフ 「ここで食い止めてみせる!」 %txtCharge,EN //Displays when Player begins charging a gauge attack "They won't get past me!" "Taking the spotlight? Fine, then. Leave the small-fry to me!" %txtChargeS,JP //本人がチャージ技能を発動した時のセリフ %txtCharge,EN //Displays when Ally starts charge a gauge attack {npcc} is locked in concentration, the wind roars. "Just try and dodge this!" "The end is near, scum!" %txtChargeA,JP //本人がチャージ効果の乗った攻撃をする時のセリフ %txtCharge,EN //I think it Displays when ally deals massive damage while under a Gauge skill effect {npcc} deals awful damage to the enemy! {npcc} giggles gleefully with sadism unbound! "Hora~ hora~ hora~!" %txtKizuna,JP //味方が魂のシンクロ技能を発動した時のセリフ %txtKizuna,EN //Displays when ally uses a special action to try and save player "You'll not take them from me!" {npcc} props you back up. "Not in a thousand years!" %txtSpecial,JP //ゲージ技を発動する時のセリフ 「これでぇぇぇぇっ!」 「やらせるか!そこだ!」 %txtSpecial,EN //Displays when ally pulls off a Gauge attack "Hurt beautifully!" "Suffer and be trod underfoot!" "Strike true!" %txtKiss,JP //口づけされた時のセリフ 「すごい…親父が熱中するわけだ」 %txtKiss,EN //Displays when Magic Kiss action is used ally {nptc} is caught in a daze. {nptc} locks up in shock, and then melts away. {nptc} is stuck in a dream-like trance. %txtChoco,JP //2月にチョコをもらった時のセリフ 「こんなに嬉しいことはない…」 %txtChoco,EN //Displays when you receive chocolate from Ally on Valentines {nptc} bashfully hands you a box of chocolates, accompanied by furtive glances. "I didn't make these for you or anything. I just had some spare. Here. This is only because there's nobody else that would take them!" %txtNade,JP //魂の友以上の友好度でPCから愛撫の手を受けた時のセリフ %txtNade,EN //Displays when you use the Rubbing action on Ally with high relationship "That's...! Aaaah..." {nptc} presses back into you with an embarrassed look. {nptc}'s face flushes. %txtHug,JP //魂の友以上の友好度でPCからスクイーズを受けた時のセリフ %txtHug,EN //Displays when you use Squeeze action oh Ally with high relationship {nptc} tenses up, but then softens to the embrace. {nptc} resists in surprise, but covers their face and moves in closer. "Aaauuuu..." %txtFawnOn,JP //ファノーン技能に抵抗できずメロメロになってる時のセリフ 「{npcc}がチャーミングすぎる…」 %txtFawnOn,EN //Displays when bewitched {nptc} seems stuck in another realm. %txtMidNight,JP //強制的に添い寝させられて怒っている時のセリフ %txtMidNight,EN //Displays when attempting to force sleep sharing on low relationship {nptc} slaps your hand away, and glares at you angrily. {nptc} slaps you. {nptc} glares at you with contempt. %txtRideOff,JP //乗馬解除(PCが乗っている場合)時のセリフ %txtRideOff,EN //Displays when you stop riding ally {npcc} Falls over, gasping. {npcc} stretches her back. "That may have been a bit much for me." %txtRideOffPC,JP //乗馬解除(PCが乗られている場合)時のセリフ 「私が一番{player}を上手く使えるんだ。一番、一番上手く使えるんだ…」 %txtRideOffPC,EN //Displays when ally stops riding player "Hmm~ what unique fun that was!" "Thanks for your hard work, my mighty "steed"." %txtRideOn,JP //乗馬開始(PCが乗る場合)時のセリフ %txtRideOn,EN //Displays when you ride ally "Eh? W-well, alright then. Let's give it a try." {nptc} gives you a worried look as you climb her back. %txtRideOnPC,JP //乗馬開始(PCが乗られる場合)時のセリフ %txtRideOnPC,EN //displays when you let ally ride you "I could get used to this." "You're big and strong then, aren't you? I'm happily in your care." %txtLimit,JP //添い寝時に眠気が限界に来た時のセリフ %txtLimit,EN //displays when reaching limit at Sleep Sharing "Mnn... Aahn!" "{player}, stay close until the end~" %txtMultiple,JP //多重詠唱魔法に参加する時のセリフ %txtMultiple,EN //Displays when entire party pulls off group Gauge Attack "All together now!" "I'm hardly even breaking a sweat!" "Crush them!" %txtDrain,JP //友好度:親友以上または主従度:従順以上でPCに吸血される時のセリフ %txtDrain,EN //I think it Displays when Player drains ally {nptc} lets out a shocked gasp. {nptc} is shaken, but regains composure. %txtCreate,JP //夜なべして防具作った時のセリフ %txtCreate,EN //Displays when ally creates new equipment for player after sleeping "Made skillfully by yours truly!" "make good use of it, alright, {player}?" "For you, the product of our companionship." %txtEXAct,JP //添い寝時の専用行動選択肢 変換タグ無効 %txtEXAct,EN //Extra option during sleep sharing Interlock fingers %txtEXReact,JP //上記行動を選択した時の反応 %txtEXReact,EN //displays when selecting Extra option during sleep sharing {nptc} bites her lip. %txtDialogB,JP //evochat開始時のセリフ %txtDialogB,EN //evochat initiation ({nptc} looks at you shyly. %txtDialogE,JP //evochat時、困らせた場合のセリフ %txtDialogE,EN //evochat embarrass Ah, how cruel... ({nptc} looks away with with embarrassment.) ({nptc} seems to be embarrassed.) %txtDialogF,JP //evochat時、喜ばせた場合のセリフ %txtDialogF,EN //evochat flirt ({nptc} looks down with a red face.) ({nptc} looks at you with a flushed face and a warm smile.) What am I going to do with you... You're lost without me too, hmm~? Together, then... %txtDialogH,JP //evochat時、機嫌が最大の場合のセリフ %txtDialogH,EN //evochat give 100000gp Hmm~ isn't this a bit much? ({nptc} Accepts it with a smile.) So much... Spending so much on me~, how inviting~. %endTxt